Saturday, 8 May 2010

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

My Opening Sequence- Playground


The film 'tormented' has influenced the opening sequence my group and I have made. It is a teen horror film which is the same genre as the opening sequence we have made. It is also set in a school which ours is too. The main character is a girl which is the same as ours. We have changed the costume that the girl is wearing. Instead of wearing school uniform, she is wearing normal every day clothes. We have tried to stick to the same conventions of a teen horror film but we have changed them as you will see in the power point presentation that my group and I have made

Monday, 15 March 2010


On Monday 8th of February we had to re film our class room scene as we didn't have enough shot sizes in the first shoot of the classroom scene. We re-shot in a different classroom with the same teacher. One of the extras we had in the other scene wasn't available to do it so we shot it without her.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Thursday 10th December 2009 - playground scene

Mis-en-scene and Location

Bianca Goldman and I did the makeup for our actress. We brought makeup from our homes to put on her face.
We tested the makeup and the hair style on our actress who is Catrin George-Carey. We wanted to know what it looked like before we filmed our scene. we used the makeup we had to put bruises and blood marks on her face as it made the scene look more realistic. we wanted her to look as if she was in danger and had been in a fight. Her hair was messed up to look like someone had pulled her hair in the fight

The location we shot in was Courtland School in Mill Hill. We filmed in this location because it had a big playground. Before we shot we took pictures to see where to put the camera so we could get the best shot. The actress sat in the middle of the circle and we filmed around her. we filmed when the sun was setting and this was a beautiful effect because it gave the shots a orange light. It made the playground to be a scarier place and as there was only her in the playground, it gave a very creepy effect.